Latest blog articles

  • Published on MLR blogs. What do documents about negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), oversight of the EU’s Food Safety Authority or Tax-Justice have in common? In order to access these documents, (selected) Members of the European Parliament are requested to...

  • It was even featured on Dutch television: the State of the Union by Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission on 14 September 2016... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • One difference (depending on the discipline as well) between a Bachelor and Master programme is the workload. Would I say the shift is significant between the Bachelor I have completed and now? Not only might it be too soon to say (I shall follow up with another post at the end of the first semester...

  • Is the Wilders trial a political process - like his attorney Geert-Jan Knoops argues? Is it an impossible task for the judge because, like he said, it is in fact about the party programme of the PVV - and therefore encroaches on the political decision-making process?... This blog is only available...

  • Maarten Butink, a 21 year-old Health Sciences student who chose to focus on the Policy, Management and Evaluation of Health Care specialisation, sat with us to discuss his position as student assessor. He shared what got him where he is now and what he hopes to accomplish thanks to his new position...

  • A supply chain can be defined as a “system whose constituent parts include material suppliers, production facilities, distribution services and customers linked together via the feed forward flow of materials and the feedback flow of information” (Stevens, 1989).

  • The public-private divide is one of the 21st century’s flat earth theories. Its conceptions of private rights and obligations and limitations on state power are commonly used in corporate law, contract law and numerous other fields of legal, political, economic and other social scientific research...

  • Greetings and thanks for stopping by! My name is Shelly and the purpose of this blog is to document my experiences as a Masters student of the European Studies in Society, Sciences, and Technology Study programme (that's a mouthful so let's go with ESST!)

  • Almost fifty percent of all marriages in the western world end in divorce. That is one of the most important reasons why relationship therapist Susan Pease Gadoua and reporter Vicki Larson, the authors of the recently published book ‘The New “I Do”’  , argue that a marriage for life is  an...

  • After the referendum of 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom will be going for a Brexit. Even though no statement conform Art. 50 has been made... This blog is only available in Dutch.