Latest blog articles

  • The British House of Lords (358-256) has accepted the amendment to the Brexit Bill (Notification of Withdrawal) as adopted by the House of Commons. (Dutch only)

  • In Germany, various chapters of outlaw motorcycle gangs have been prohibited over the last decades. The Netherlands are currently working on a case to effectuate a ban. However, the effectiveness of a ban to tackle (organised) outlaw biker crime remains to be seen. This blog is only available in...

  • To counter misuse of student visas the Saxion University of Applied Sciences applies a so called ‘quota system’ for students from ‘risk countries’. The question is whether a quota is an appropriate instrument and if it is not in conflict with (European) law. This blog is only available in Dutch.

    in Law
  • It seems that the law was drafted with the following picture in mind: aggressive lawyers seeking to intimidate police officers, and to “destroy” their good efforts to get a suspect statement. The reality, however, is different, as repeatedly shown by research. 

  • As you may remember: in April 2016 the majority of the voters voted 'no' against the ratification act of this association agreement. According to the referendum a legislative proposal is needed as soon as possible in which the effects of the referendum will be arranged. (Dutch only)

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    Absurd claim

    On 9 April 2011 a gunman killed 6 people in a shopping mall in the Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn. A group of victims now claims damages from the gunman’s parents, claiming that they should have prevented their son from this horrendous act. The claim will fail: on the facts of the case, there is...

  • francisco_rizi-auto_de_fe_Spaanse inquisitie

    Restorative Justice

    On Tuesday, February 21 at 1:30 p.m. a legislative proposal will be presented to the members of the standing committee for Security and Justice. The purpose of the bill is, that is an initiative of the citizens and through the citizens, to support a restorative settlement in criminal cases on the...

  • Science left-wing_social-media

    Leftist science?

    How diverse is Dutch science? According to a majority in the Second Chamber, perhaps not quite diverse. Last week, the Chamber adopted a motion that calls upon the government to clarify whether Dutch university staff is made up too much homogeneous. (Dutch only)

  • What are the consequences of a possible NEXIT and what are the pros and cons thereof?

  • The Maastricht Treaty marked the first step towards the establishment of the European Union (EU) as we know it today, after the Lisbon Treaty.