Latest blog articles

  • As a family therapist in an ambulatory setting, I see varying psychiatric disorders in multiproblem families. I specifically work with families who not only suffer from any kind of disorders, but also are affected by mild intellectual disability. This blog encompasses two parts. First, it will give...

  • Would that not be much more attractive? So: a Cabinet without excessive programme and with a number of subjects that can be left open. (Dutch only)

  • What we witness now shows resemblances with the new Turkish and the Russian presidential model: the president has executive powers but is also largely supported by his parliament, banning or disabling the effect of balances of power through their checks and balances.

  • After the Celebrations: What’s next for France? President-elect Macron has his work cut out. His challenges are many. There is much to do.

  • A little bit of provocation sharpens the mind. Let me therefore start with a provocative thesis: Most lawyers have no idea what law is.

  • Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the French presidential election cannot distract from the fact that many challenges remain. President Macron’s most pivotal challenge in terms of governance will arrive in June.

  • Which of the two sides, the EU or the UK, has the better bargaining position? The EU? After all, art 50 TEU says that even in the event of a no deal a Brexit may take place after two year. And that means then a hard Brexit and no special deal with the UK for trade for instance.

  • Football for sale: what is the problem, and what are the solutions? Read our previous reports (Spain, England, Germany and the Netherlands) to find out.

  • While the world was looking towards Paris, there was another election that was taking place on Germany’s coast. Germany’s Social Democrats lose control of a pivotal state, at the worst possible time.

  • Researched and written by Marije AriënsFor the clubs, accepting foreign investments means more possible room for improvement of the club and more successful transfers. However, it also means there will be less insight into where the money that finances these improvements comes from and through...