Latest blog articles

  • On 10 June 2016, France and Romania will be kicking off the first match of the European Cup 2016. The Netherlands will not be participating. Yet, the Euro2016 will be dominating the news during the month of June... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • On Thursday, 12th May 2016, Dilma Roussef was suspended from her presidential duties, after an in the Brazilian upper house of parliament, the Senate. Deposition Procedures are rare, but are not unusual in many countries. The deposition of Roussef in a comparative perspective.

  • Several days ago, the French government forced the acceptance of a disputed law about - among other things - labour issues. Its treatment in parliament was incredibly labourious and almost 5000 amendments had been proposed... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • Every year since 2009, fashionistas descend to Maastricht as the city hosts the FASHIONCLASH Festival. It has attracted more than 900 talents from 50 different countries. This year’s 8th edition is bigger and better, involving more than 150 designers and artists from all over the world who will...

  • On Saturday 16 of April an earthquake struck Ecuador. At 7.8 on the Richter scale, it levelled various towns of the province of Manabí, in particular Pedernales, Manta and Portoviejo. At current estimates, it has killed more than 500 persons. Many of them died a slow death, after days of being...

  • Referendum

    What next?

    What is the meaning of 'as soon as possible'? That question is now topical on the Ukraine referendum. This article is only available in Dutch.

  • You may have seen him in Rendy’s Paradise where he talks to students about important information in a much more fun and interesting way, but Rendy has a much more serious role in student affairs. He is the Student Advisor to the School of Business and Economics Faculty Board. In short, he sits at a...

  • The 40 of Limburg

    The 40 of Limburg

    A group of UM professors, staff, students and relations opened the ’40 of Limburg’ route last Friday, which is a bike route through the hills of Limburg to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Maastricht University. The route is open for everyone so you can explore the hills in Limburg yourself!

  • In a few weeks, Maastricht will play host to the vibrant WE Festival. But what is it? This week we met with Alexandra Frank. A third-year Arts and Culture student, she has been involved with the annual WE Festival since her first year and currently leads its programme committee. Read on to hear more...

  • It didn't run down quietly! On the contrary. After all the buzz about the consultative referendum it was exciting if it was possible to reach the legal threshold at 30% of the votes. They just succeeded with 32%. This article is only available in Dutch.