Blog: Law student Christoph Samen on exchange in Toronto, Canada

by: in Law

Hey there!
My name is Christoph, I am 23 years old and I am proud to be a Maastricht University student. Originally, I am from Germany, but I chose to start my legal studies in Maastricht due to its international and welcoming atmosphere. I am third year European Law School student who currently spends his fifth semester on exchange. I feel lucky and grateful to be able to spend 4 months at York University, more particularly at Osgoode Hall Law School in Canada.

The university is located just 30 minutes out of Toronto, which makes it a perfect place to enjoy your studies and to visit the city as many times as you want. Osgoode Hall Law School is one of the most distinguished law schools in North America and enjoys an outstanding reputation within Canada (by the way, if anyone asks, we are way better than the University of Toronto!).

Currently, I am taking four courses at the faculty. These being Environmental Law, Legal Ethics, International Human Rights and Theory & Practice of Mediation. Without getting too much into the substance of these classes, being able to choose courses from another country with another legal system has already been very rewarding. Going on exchange does not only provide you with new academic insights, but it strongly contributes to your personal development. Living on your own, spending time in a country with a different culture, learning about the national values and being able to experience the diversity that our world has to offer are just a few of the many pleasures you will encounter.

Following this introduction, you will find a short blog of mine where I will visualize and talk about my week as a law student at Osgoode. Being able to combine my academic career with travelling has already been one of the parts of my life and I am excited for what is to come! 

If you have any questions about attending Osgoode Hall Law School or the exchange program in general, please do not hesitate to contact me! 


Day 1


After having arrived yesterday, I met up with another exchange student from Maastricht in order to take the metro downtown. I did not know him before, but this is exactly what the exchange does to you, it makes you meet new people and personalities. When we got to the city center, we just wandered around the neighborhood without having a certain plan where to go. 

In the first picture, you can see the Gooderham building. It is one of the most renowned buildings in Toronto, primarily due to its age and architecture. We did not really try to find it. In fact, we actually walked past it and did not realize that we were passing it because the city is just so busy!


After walking through the financial district, we made our way to Lake Ontario, which is one of the five great lakes in North America. The sky is marked by a lot of skyscrapers, accommodating businesses as well as residential apartments. This is just one of the few outstanding views. 

After a long first day, it was time to head back to campus and get some rest. You really feel the jetlag after adventuring the whole day!

Day 2


The second day in Canada – Time to visit my new university for the next few months!

As I mentioned above, I have the pleasure of attending Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto. It has always been my dream to study in North America, particularly at a distinguished institution. The first picture reflects the entrance of the faculty. The building is absolutely gorgeous, particularly due to the fact that almost every inch of the outside facade is covered by leaves. It is modern and has looks a little bit like Maastricht’s Faculty of Law as it also hosts many “smaller” tutorial rooms.


The second building is the Student Service Center / Library. As you may have guessed by now, the Campus itself is very modern. It hosts around 45.000 students who are either enrolled in an undergrad program or a graduate school, such as law or business.

Having participated in two classes today, I can already tell that the teaching style is quite different, albeit class groups tend to be smaller than 25 students. Whereas the size is sort of comparable to Maastricht courses, there are no exercises to be completed that, eventually, become the center of a tutorial’s discussion. You rather talk about readings and “general concepts” that are enshrined within the topic, such as the principle of equality under International Human Rights. 

So far so good!

Day 3


The third day in Canada is very special. Today, all first-year students (including the Exchange Students) are visiting the old faculty building. Back in the days, Osgoode Hall Law School was not part of any other institution as it is now (nowadays, it is affiliated with York University, the Campus the Law School is located on). The old building, which now constitutes the seat of the Ontario Law Society, the Ontario Court of Appeal and the Superior Court of Ontario, is a beautiful ancient mansion located in the heart of downtown Toronto.

The first picture reflects the Osgoode Library. Whereas it was used as a regular library for all students enrolled at the law school back in the days, it now serves the law clerks of the courts as a melting pot for research.


The second picture was taken in the “great hall” of the building, effectively being the entrance. Once you enter the mansion, there is this sophisticated and intellectual vibe that becomes apparent. If you walk through the corridors and rooms, you may see judges of the courts, lawyers preparing their arguments or even law students studying in the library.

The trip was absolutely amazing and it resembles the great history of this single institution, making it even more attractive to study there.

Day 4


The biggest highlight and, by far, the most impressive experience is reflected in the following pictures. 

The Student society, a governing body within the faculty, organized a private boat tour for all exchange and first year students. After receiving the invitation, we could not believe that we were actually able to take part in a yacht tour over Lake Ontario (amazing views guaranteed!).

Unfortunately, I (we) did not know that this constituted a black-tie event. Therefore, as every other student arrived in a suit and tie or in a long dress, which actually made the trip even more special, the exchange students arrived in casual clothing (oops). Nevertheless, the experience was phenomenal.


We departed from the Toronto Harborfront an made our way around Toronto island. The city views were breathtaking. Whenever it turned dark, which occurred hallway throughout the ride, the second floor of the boat turned into dancefloor. A DJ set up his gear and students rushed down to enjoy the music whilst we still could.

This was truly one of most exciting things I was able to do in Toronto just yet and I am sure, that this also constituted a one in a lifetime experience.

Day 5


During the first weekend of my term in Canada, a few of the exchange students and I decided to explore the surroundings of Toronto. 

In the morning, we went to well-known part of the city, called Scarborough Bluffs. Located right at Lake Ontario, the beaches and cliffs provide for a very nice alternative to the city life. 

The first picture was taken on top of a cliff, facing Lake Ontario. The water is very clear, making it perfect to take great shots of the Greater Toronto’s nature. We almost spend the entire day at the park, had a picknick and relaxed in the sun. 


After having a break from the packed city, we went back downtown to watch pre-season game of the Maple Leafs, the local, and of course the best, NHL ice-hockey team. This was the first professional hockey game I was able to attend, and I loved it! The sport is so intense and fast, making it very interesting. I am sure to go again within the next few months. In fact, University hockey will have its first game next week, meaning that my host University’s sport team will play against another University.

Over this past week, I have tried to supply you guys with an overview of how spending a semester abroad may look like. While I could show you at least 1000 more pictures of the things you will be doing abroad, such as attending football games at your university, taking courses that are not available in Maastricht, having a unique academic experience, travelling the country or just having unforgettable nights with exchange students and nationals alike. Apart this whole personal advantage of really getting to know yourself, your strengths and developing your social skills, this is also a once in a lifetime opportunity to shape your professional future. Getting to know a different legal system and the workings of another university makes you realize what you really want in life. While I love my stay in Canada and studying its legal system, being here makes me realize how much I appreciate Maastricht University, its organization and course structure. 

The friends you make while being abroad, regardless of where they are from or what exactly they are studying, also serve as future connections for job opportunities and your career advancement. Personally, I will continue as an LL.M. student in Maastricht in Tax Law and I was able to get to know a person that already finished the same degree, thereby being able to help me out with all the questions I may have. 

There is no way to spend your exchange the “right” or “wrong” way. Try to make the best of it. 

If you do have the opportunity to spend one semester at another university, I unequivocally recommend taking it in order to shape your future in a way that is truly amazing and unique.


Many thanks to Christoph Samen for writing this blog!

Want to know more about spending a semester abroad? Please check the Law exchange programme-webpage or contact