Alumni Circles

Our alumni community boasts 100,000 graduates, and it's continually expanding! Some alumni stay close to home, while others venture to all corners of the globe. Wherever you are in the world, there’s a good chance that a UM alumnus is nearby! This is the inspiration behind Alumni Circles.

What is an Alumni Circle?

Alumni Circles are global communities of UM graduates. They provide opportunities for alumni like you to connect with fellow graduates in your area. This makes it easy to build a network wherever you are. If you've just moved to a new city or country, you'll find it particularly helpful to connect with new people and make friends.

Find an Alumni Circle near you

You are automatically part of a Circle if you live near other alumni. To accurately determine the number of UM alumni in each area, we need updated data from all alumni, including you. So, please remember to update your details whenever you move to a new location. This helps us keep track of our alumni's whereabouts and keeps you informed about nearby alumni events.

Can't find your city?

Our Alumni Circles vary in size, from over 1000 alumni to around 100. The circles shown on the map are active, meaning they have an Alumni Circle Committee and organise events. 

If there isn’t an active Circle near you, feel free to contact us. We can see if there are more alumni in your region interested in organising events and possibly create a new circle together. Reach out at

Alumni Circles around the world

Looking for an alumni circle near you?

View the map with all our alumni circles here.

Kaart van alumni kringen wereldwijd

Join an Alumni Circle Committee

An Alumni Committee consists of a few dedicated alumni who facilitate and host events in their city. Working alongside the Event and Community Coordinator of the UM Alumni Office, they develop the programme. Committee members are crucial in maintaining the local network and serve as important ambassadors for UM.

Would you like to be part of an Alumni Circle Committee and help organise gatherings and events in your region? Contact us at