Jobs and Job Quota Act/Participation Act

In addition to having a legal obligation, Maastricht University has taken on its social responsibility to create positions within the university for people with an occupational disability who have not been able to work for a considerable amount of time.

Participation Act Coordinator

The Participation Act Coordinator at the Staff Career Centre (SCC) can support you as a manager in putting together a list of job responsibilities, finding a suitable candidate from the target group and arranging the appropriate amount of guidance through external job coaching. In this way, we can contribute to a society in which participation is a matter of course.

What does the Participation Act coordinator do?

  • create support within the organisation
  • provide knowledge of laws and regulations
  • find suitable jobs within UM
  • recruit, select and hire people with an occupational disability for special jobs
  • monitor the supervision of employees with an occupational disability
  • take care of the administrative work involved
  • maintain contact with all parties (internal and external)

What can you go to the Participation Act coordinator for?

As a manager or direct colleague of an employee with an occupational disability, you can turn to the coordinator for support with counselling, recommendations on or the initiation of wage value determinations, and other services such as assigning a job coach.