Introduction days at FPN 2024

The Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) is organising an essential, informative, and fun week that'll prepare you and your fellow students for your academic career at FPN. From 26-30 August you’ll engage in activities that'll inform you on practical aspects of studying at our faculty. You’ll also get the chance to meet your new classmates while you learn to work with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) system. 

Problem-Based Learning

During the introduction days you will have your first Problem-Based Learning (PBL) sessions at FPN. During your stay in Maastricht and in your career, you’ll need to be able to work independently, in groups, be assertive and solve problems. FPN uses the PBL to help you to develop these skills together with your fellow students.

In small groups of roughly 13 students, supervised and assisted by a tutor, you actively seek solutions to real-life problems. You'll not only learn to operate at an academic level, but also to work together on real psychological issues – just as you will later on in your career.

  Read more about PBL

Practical | FPN Onboarding

During your time at Maastricht University (UM) you may need to arrange some aspects of your studies yourself, for example: booking courses, registering for exams and handing in your work. UM has different systems in place to make sure this all works smoothly. The practical: FPN Onboarding will show you the different systems and how to use them.

Meet MFA Placebo

MFA Placebo is the FPN study association. We are here for all bachelor, master, and exchange psychology students in Maastricht. Our aim is to bring psychology students together by organising a range of activities; including workshops, lectures, parties, city-trips and excursions. We achieve this with the help of our active members, who work together in committees throughout the year.

  Read more about MFA Placebo