French- and bilingual moot courts

European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC)

subject-area European Union Law
Language French and English
Description The European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC) is the most prestigious moot court competition focusing on topical issues of European Law. Organized annually since 1988, the ELMC is a bilingual moot court (French-English). 80 to 100 teams from Europe and the world register every year in that competition.

Maastricht University last won the ELMC in 2014. For the past 3 years, the results were extremely good with a continuous qualification in the final round. The 2015 team came second while the 2016 and the 2017 teams were amongst the four best teams in the competition. In 2018, the team did not make it to the finals but Tycho Eggenhuizen, in his role as advocate-general, did very well and will be pleading at the Court of Justice in Luxemburg during the all-European finals.
In 2019 The Maastricht team performed extremely well in this prestigious bilingual (French/English) competition. After a grand performance in the final of the regional, they got the second place. 


Merijn Chamon 

More information There are three rounds: a written round, a regional oral round and a final oral round at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. Please click here for the official EMLC website.

Concours Européen des Droits de l'Homme René Cassin

subject-area Human Rights
Language French

The Concours Europeén des Droits de l’Homme René Cassin is a yearly concours held between November and April. The language of the Concours is French. In the first part (round) teams of Universities must, either as the State (Defending) or Applicant, write  a “mémoire” concerning a fictitious case about alleged violations of the European Convention on Human Rights pending before the European Court of Human Rights. The best 30 teams of the written round are invited for the Semi-finals and Finals, which are held in Strasbourg in the buildings of the Council of Europe. The team consists of three persons (2 plaideurs and 1 conseiller)


In the last three years the team of Maastricht University reached the semi-finals (meaning it was one of the 30 best universities) but did not reach the Final. In April 2019 the team finished in the semi-final with a nice place of 16th out of 52 teams.


Pauline Melin

More information Please visit the official website of the Concours Européen des Droits de l”Homme René Cassin.