
Maastricht Law: Faculty in Focus 2020

Maastricht Faculty of Law highlights 2020


Mateo Bonelli and Daniel On looking back on PhD life with a sense of pride

Read the story of 
Matteo & Daniel


  • The EU project REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES) aims to analyse how the precautionary principle can be applied in the European Union while still encouraging innovation. 

  • The Preventive Law chair is held by Prof. Eric van de Luijtgaarden. The aim of this chair is to link practice-oriented research at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences to UM's fundamental scientific research and to train lawyers from Limburg who can both solve and prevent legal problems.

  • The Faculties of Law of Airlangga University in Surabaya and Maastricht University, along with the Maastricht School of Management (MSM), collaborated on the important mission of strengthening skills, ethics, and integrity in Indonesian legal education.


Going ‘back to our core DNA’ with new curriculum for bachelor’s in Law

Read the story of
Bram and Fleur


  • Maastricht University Elverding chairholders Mieke Olaerts and Rob Bauer hosted an online webinar and debate session dedicated to the European Green Deal and how modern corporations can contribute to achieving a sustainable European future.

  • The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has invested 4 million euros to strengthen research at the Faculty of Law. The funds are being used to form two interdisciplinary research groups, Globalization & Law Network and Law & Tech Lab, as well as to promote young research talent.

  • Worldwide CO2 emissions have to be dramatically reduced and universities have a responsibility to address their carbon footprints. The Faculty of Law, in cooperation with the Maastricht Sustainability Institute, brought together experts to investigate the policy approaches that are needed.

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Extending DigiD access makes life easier for cross-border workers

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cross-border workers
