3rd-year bachelor’s

Faculty of Law

Continue working on your employability skills. Talk to a career advisor for personal advice or attend a career workshop. Plan your next move. Remember that an internship or a student job will give you a competitive edge in the job market. Make sure to visit career fairs and meet up with business representatives.

 Acquire skills
 Gain experience
 Get personal support

Acquire Skills

Assertiveness training
Helps you develop an assertive attitude and work on your self-confidence.

Boost your self-confidence
During this workshop you will learn how to be more aware of your personal emotions and characteristics. You will get tools to give your personal life a positive boost.

Crash course in Decision making
Are you struggling with making decisions? Do you keep putting them off? Do you find it hard to tell what's important and what isn't? Making a decision is difficult, but we can help you improve with this workshop.

CV & job application letter
In this workshop you will learn how to write a good job application letter and CV. In addition you will take the recruiter’s seat.

Discover your competences
You gain insight into what you are capable of and what you want. You itemise your competencies, key qualities and motives. This workshop will give you a head start in the job market. 

Fear of failure training
Always feeling tense and nervous? Do you panic before or during tests or presentations? Then the fear of failure training may be something for you.

Job applications in the Digital Era
Recruiters are increasingly using applicant tracking systems, so what does this mean for you when you apply for a job? How do you make a video application? Many job interviews take place at a distance: via phone, Skype or Facetime. How do you prepare for this? This workshop will give you the answers.

Job interview
During this workshop you learn the ins and outs of the job interview. But you will mainly practise how to respond to questionswhat you should not say, and what you can ask.

Lecture: employment contract and negotiations
Fantastic! You've been offered a job. But often you're not there yet. You still need to negotiate your contract, salary and secondary employment conditions.

Lecture: getting the most out of LinkedIn
The focus in this lecture is on making you understand how LinkedIn works and in which ways you can use it to your own benefit.

Lecture: networking skills
Learn the basic principles of personal networking and get some hands-on tips and tricks to help you create a strong network.

Online career library
The Online Career Library has the best websites to help you start off your career. 

Personal Branding
During this workshop you go in search of your personal brand. What makes you you? By thinking in this way you learn to profile yourself so that you can make it clear to others who you are and what you stand for.

Presentation skills
This interactive, hands-on workshop is built around your presentations – you use them to practise your skills, get feedback and improve.

Self-help: improve your study/professional skills
Tips and tools for improving own professional/study skills.

Study efficacy increase group
The efficacy increase group is a self-help group for students who find it difficult to concentrate on their studies and tend to procrastinate. The group ensures that you improve your study behaviour and that you use an effective method for studying.

Team building for board members
We can help your board to become a real team (for Board members only).

Time management
This interactive workshop will give you an insight in your current time management habits and it will help you identify areas for improvement.

Workshop - Mindfulness and meditation
Mindfulness teaches you to connect with the present and focus on the here and now, increasing your awareness of your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. It helps you take some distance from the issues you worry about. This can have a calming effect on your mind and make you feel more relaxed.

Workshop Stress management
Do you find it difficult to find a good balance between study and leisure time? In this workshop you look for your own stress signals and you get tools to keep stress under control.

Gain experience

Become a member of a student organisation
Build networks. Make friends. Find like-minded people

Become a student representative
Students can make a real contribution to improving the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

Moot courts and legal clinics
Bring reality in the classroom.

Curricular internship
Gain grounded and practical experience, increase your employability and professional network.

Honours programme MaRBLe
Brings multidisciplinary scientific research to the bachelor phase.

Information on minors and electives
Choose electives or a minor programme.

Maastricht University Law College (extracurricular)
Offers a broader approach to studying the law for students who want to further develop their skills in addition to their regular programme.

Master's orientation
Students can find out more about master's programmes at the Master's Open Day.

Prepare studying abroad
Studying abroad not only brings you academic knowledge and skills, it also brings you a valuable experience in a new and different environment and cultural setting.

Student jobs at UM
There are various jobs at Maastricht University for UM Students. These vary from organising the introduction week to photographing and writing for our social media and providing information to high school students.

UM vacancy board
The UM vacancy board is the central vacancy platform for students and alumni.

Get personal support

Career advice
The career advisers of UM Career Services are specialised in the areas of study and career choices as well as opportunities on the job market. They can help you with all your career-related questions in a 45-minute session.

Create profile on career orientation
Receive master choice information and (individual) career counselling.

Individual Psychological Support
Everyone feels a little bit out of sorts sometimes. The signs vary from fear of failure, procrastination and problems with planning to eating disorders, stress, gloom and even depression. Our team of student psychologists is there to help you.

Quick career advice
Do you have any questions about your career and study? Would you like to know what your prospects are after graduation? Are you unsure about your job application letter, CV or LinkedIn profile? Come for some Quick Career Advice - and yes, the sessions are quick: 15min.

Simulation job interview
The simulation is one of the best ways of training for a real job interview. In 1.5 hours you practise a job interview with a career counsellor in the role of recruiter.

Coping with loss and mourning group
Have you lost someone and do you want to come to terms with your loss and learn to let go?  Then the coping with loss group may be something for you.

Starting your own business
Learn about entrepreneurship, meet other starting entrepreneurs, and expand your network during inspiring events.

UM Buddy- International Student Ambassadors
Become a coach for international students whilst receiving coaching and training yourself. Expand your skills set in a different cultural context.

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