Kimberly Ricaurte Davila, MA Globalisation and Development Studies

Kimberly Ricaurte is from Ecuador, she has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations at Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) in Quito, Ecuador and decided to come to Maastricht for the master’s programme Globalisation and Development Studies.

“During my internship in Ecuador, someone told me about Maastricht University. I considered several programmes, also at other universities but they were either too theoretical, too research-oriented or too philosophical. This programme offered me the right combination of the academic background I needed and the field work I wanted. It’s interesting to see how development and aid-effectiveness change over time and that ideas pursued by large organisations often don’t fit the real needs of developing countries. I want to understand what goes wrong and create feasible programmes that have a positive impact on society. Eventually, I would like to have my own foundation to help street children in Ecuador with housing, healthcare and education.”

Kimberly Ricaurte Davila
November 2018

Kimberly was Student ambassador of the MA Globalisation and Developmetn Studies during academi year 2018-2019
 Watch her ambassador video