Stelios Asteriadis (S.)

Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, and the coordinator of the Cognitive Systems Group (former Affective and Visual Computing Lab). My research interests include Visual Computing, Machine Intelligence, human emotion recognition and human activity recognition with applications in ambient-assisted living environments and smart learning contexts. My latest research grant initiatives, as Principal Investigator for the University of Maastricht, are the following EU Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe grants:

-VOX (€4.8m euro, 703K for UM - Scientific Coordinator) HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01 Research and Innovation Project. Voice driven interactions in eXtended Reality spaces.

-XR2Learn (€7.6m euro, 387K for UM) HORIZON – CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-19 Innovation Action. Multimodal Behavior Analysis and Emotion Recognition in eXtended Reality.

ProCare4Life (€6.8m euro, 597K for UM) Horizon2020-SC1-DTH-2019 Innovation project.  Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated care using Artificial Intelligence and smart sensors.

MaTHiSiS (€7.6m euro - 693K for UM) Horizon2020-ICT-20-2015 Innovation project will develop innovative tools for learning in formal and informal settings, placing learner’s emotion in the core of the learning procedure and applying cutting-edge learning analytics and AI tecniques for efficient, personalized learning.

ICT4Life (€3.4m euro - 452K for UM) Horizon2020-PHC-25-2015 Research & Innovation project will develop ambient-assisted living instruments and smart interfaces for the elderly and their caregivers and will mainly focus on persons with Dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s.