Fara Gijsen, BA European Studies

My name is Fara and I’m Dutch but I grew up in Germany. I am now in my second year of studying European Studies which I started right after finishing high school.

What I like about the programme is the variety of the courses offered and the different lenses through which Europe is looked at. Specifically, the broadness of the programme is very appealing and by being able to follow many different courses you discover what topics you find most interesting. This makes it easier to choose the direction you want to pursue in the future. The courses I enjoyed most were the ones from the first year that dealt with the historical background of Europe and the international relations of the EU. Furthermore, I liked the ones from the second year that focused on contemporary issues in particular. The students and the staff from all programmes offered at FASoS are very international which makes it a diverse faculty. The PBL system ensures that there are dynamic discussions among peers with different backgrounds resulting in being able to get to know the full picture of a topic. 

Fara Gijsen
March 2022