20 Sep

PhD conferral Rocio Arreguin Campos

Supervisors: Dr. Bart van Grinsven, Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Cleij

Co-supervisor: Dr. Hanne DiliĆ«n

Keywords: Food safety, sensors, biomimetic, microorganisms, Escherichia coli

"Surface-Imprinted Polymers for Biomimetic Bacteria Detection: From Materials to Food Safety Application"

Foodborne diseases (FBD) can range from diarrhea to cancer and affects nearly 1 out of 10 people globally according to the World Health Organization. Apart from the impact on human well-being, economic costs related to FBD include productivity losses, treatment of the disease, domestic market disruption, and customer product avoidance. Therefore, strict controls and tools able to assess that all foods remain safe, wholesome, and fit for human consumption are essential.

This PhD research focused on the translation of laboratory technology to the field of food safety monitoring. A sensor with the potential to become an on-site and fast tool for the detection of microorganisms was explored for the analysis of foodstuffs. Diverse aspects of the sensor such as sensitivity and selectivity were explored. The thesis is a compilation of published findings that support that the sensor could overcome some drawbacks of traditional microbiological testing.

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