Oude agenda

  • 30 nov
    13:30 - 17:00

    Masterclass Governance: Evaluatie en reflectie toezichthouders

    In de Masterclass Evaluatie en Reflectie van Toezichthouders wordt beschreven hoe een evaluatie het beste toegaat en wat daarvoor komt kijken. We gaan in op verschillende methoden en op randvoorwaarden.

  • 30 nov

    Promotie Dhr. drs. Maarten van Beek

    “Spinal Cord Stimulation in Clinical and Experimental Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy”

  • 30 nov 01 dec
    08:30 - 17:30

    EU Damages Directive - Advanced Seminar for Judges

    Dit seminar vindt volledig in het Engels plaats. 

    The Advanced Seminar is being organised by the University of Maastricht in cooperation with Lexxion Publisher as a part of the project of the Directorate-General for Competition “Training of national judges and judicial cooperation in the field of...

  • 28 nov

    Separatism and Sovereignty in the EU, i.e. Cataluña

    Studium Generale - Debate Cafe, Engelstalig
    Debate with: Prof. Jure Vidmar, Professor International and European Law, UM
    Arjan Schakel, PhD Assistant Professor in Research Methods Political Science, UM
    Pablo del Hierro, PhD, Assistant Professor in History, UM

    Moderator: Rob van Duijn, Studium...

  • 28 nov

    Separatism and Sovereignty in the EU, i.e. Cataluña

    Studium Generale - Debate Cafe, Engelstalig
    Debate with: Prof. Jure Vidmar, Professor International and European Law, UM
    Arjan Schakel, PhD Assistant Professor in Research Methods Political Science, UM
    Pablo del Hierro, PhD, Assistant Professor in History, UM
    Anna Herranz-Surralles, PhD, Assistant

  • 27 nov

    Being a Beast

    Studium Generlae - Lezing, Engelstalig
    Charles Foster, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics; Fellow Green Templeton College, Un. of Oxford

  • 27 nov

    The Golden Discovery of Merging Neutron Stars

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Gideon Koekoek, PhD  
    Assistant professor at Maastricht Science Programme, UM

  • 24 nov

    Inauguratie Mw. prof.dr. Wendy Smits

    “De opmars van flexibele arbeid: gevolgen voor mens, organisatie en maatschappij’

  • 24 nov

    Promotie Mw. Laura R.M. Kurth, MSc.

    “Celebrating Diversity?; an empirical study of tensions between the discourses of assimilation and multiculturalism”

  • 24 nov

    Promotie Dhr. Bernard Nikaj, MSc.

    “From No-government to E-government”