Unilever Onderzoeksprijs 2021 voor Jody van Melis (Work, Health & Career)

Jody van Melis, student van de masteropleiding Work Health and Career, is een van de winnaars van de Unilever Onderzoeksprijs 2021. Zij ontving deze prijs voor haar masterscriptie getiteld “The effect of work-time control on the development of depressive complaints in 2 years in different subgroups among Dutch daytime workers: a prospective cohort study”. Jody onderzocht de mogelijke rol van arbeidstijdbeheersing bij de preventie van depressieve klachten bij werknemers. 

- de overige tekst volgt in het Engels - 

In her thesis, Jody focused on depressive complaints, which are highly prevalent in today’s society and have major consequences for employee wellbeing, health and labor participation. Jody investigated the potential role of work-time control in the prevention of depressive complaints among workers. Jody used questionnaire data of a subsample from the Maastricht Cohort Study, with 2 years follow-up, involving over 1,800 daytime workers. Results indicated that particularly greater control over working hours/taking time off and the ability to regulate workpace may protect against depressive complaints.

Jody was supervised by Dr. Nicole Jansen, senior researcher in the unit Occupational Epidemiology and staff member of the master program Work, Health and Career. Jody’s research culminated in a sound scientific paper which will be submitted to an international scientific journal. The paper also includes clear recommendations for future research, as well as for HRM and occupational health management.

Jody completed her master thesis with an excellent grade (8.7), and graduated Cum Laude.

FHML and the staff of the Work, Health & Career programme congratulate Jody and Nicole with this prize!

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