Master Sustainability Science and Policy alumnus Liard Kranen wint afval innovatie challenge!

Do you also get frustrated by the amount of redundant trash that is placed next to the containers at the recycling areas? And do you wish that there was something that you could do to solve this problem? In February the NVRD (The largest national waste management association of the Netherlands), the City of Maastricht and Maastricht University EDLAB launched an innovation challenge for solutions for the problem of dumped waste.

At the annual NVRD conference in May, Liard successfully pitched his solution for fly tipping at recycling points. My 'municipal-budget-friendly' idea combining a different approach to Communication, Behavioral change (Green Agents to support co-ownership and improve social involvement) and most radical the Design (using the space of the grey containers itself to inspire & convince people and to make those areas part of the neighborhood) won the vote of the 250+ audience!


If you want to know more and/or know a good lead/contact to trial the solution in a neighborhood to have actual impact, please contact Liard via:

About Sustainability Science and Policy

MA Sustainability Science and Policy - Small groups

Are you passionate about sustainable development? Would you like to ensure that the resources that we now have will still be available for future generations? And can you see yourself developing strategies to steer governments and companies towards sustainable behaviour? Then the master’s programme Sustainable Science and Policy is the perfect programme for you!

This interdisciplinary programme focusses on different factors that affect sustainability, such as global dynamics, policy, governance and law. You'll also learn how to design, conduct and evaluate sustainability assessments. Upon graduation, you'll have all the training you need to pursue a career as a policy maker, sustainability coordinator, strategic policy analyst or a sustainability consultant, but careers in academia will also be open to you.

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