Claartje Rasterhoff nieuwe directeur MACCH


Per 1 september is Vivian van Saaze teruggetreden als directeur van het interfacultaire en transdisciplinaire Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH). Zij wordt opgevolgd door Claartje Rasterhoff.

- de tekst gaat verder in het Engels - 

After co-founding MACCH in 2015, Vivian van Saaze has worked to initiate many collaborative and interdisciplinary research and valorisation projects in response to the increasingly complex challenges facing the field of arts and heritage. Under her guidance MACCH managed to become well embedded in the region while operating on an international academic level, through, for example, ongoing collaborations with arts and heritage organisations, the annual international conferences convened during TEFAF, and the Springer book series: Studies in Art, Heritage, Law and the Market.

Claartje is looking forward to, together with the many MACCH members across the faculties and partner organisations, continue strengthening the position of MACCH as a linking pin in knowledge production and sharing between the different UM faculties, within the regional cultural ecosystem, and between cultural partners and international academic research.

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