Oude agenda

  • 01 nov

    Helpen bij verlies en verdriet

    Studium Generale - Collegereeks
    Prof. dr. Manu Keirse, em. hoogleraar verliesverwerking, KU Leuven

  • 01 nov

    Promotie Dhr. Daan D. Westra, MSc.

    “Healthcare’s Competition Conundrum; cooperative inter-organizational strategies in competitive healthcare markets”

  • 01 nov

    Promotie Mw. Jyoti Raghavendra Munavalli, MSc.

    “Real-time Scheduling in Outpatient Clinics”

  • 31 okt

    The Russian Revolution

    Studium Generale - Lezing, Engelstalig
    Prof. Orlando Figes, Professor of History, Birkbeck College, University of London

  • 31 okt

    Philosophy, an Introduction

    Studium Generale - Collegereeks, Engelstalig
    René Gabriëls, PhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, UM

  • 31 okt
    13:30 - 17:00

    Masterclass Finance: Thuis in Stuurinformatie

    Hoe betrouwbare en relevante informatie toegevoegde waarde levert

  • 31 okt

    FPN Experience Day [NL] 31-10-2017

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a Psychology student. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you will be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who will be happy to answer all your questions about studying and student...

  • 31 okt

    FPN Experience Day [EN] 31-10-2017

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a Psychology student. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you will be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who will be happy to answer all your questions about studying and student...

  • 30 okt

    About Fake News, Social Sharing, and their Blind Spots

    Studium Generale - Lezing, Engelstalig
    Noortje Marres, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick (GB)

  • 30 okt

    Voeding en gezondheid

    Studium Generale - Collegereeks
    Diverse sprekers