08 jun

UM Star Show 2022

Annual UM Star Show. Topic: Global Leadership on Climate Change. With: Rianne Letschert (UM President), Diederik Samsom (Head of Cabinet Frans Timmermans), Donald Pols (CEO of Milieudefensie), Sander Geelen (CEO of Geelen Counterflow). Host:  Maria van der Heijden (Director MVO Nederland).

sprekers star show

Maastricht University is making concerted efforts to increase its contribution towards a more sustainable future by way of education, research and operations. Our alumni investigations indicate that a significant proportion of our 85,000 alumni rate climate change as a critical issue and are deeply concerned about the devastation that may result for future generations if we do not act now!

With this in mind, we have decided to devote our annual UM Star Show to the topic of Climate Change. On June 8th, 2022, our President, Rianne Letschert, will invite a number of prominent speakers to join her on stage in the MECC Maastricht Conference Center, to discuss current and future climate control concerns: 

  • Diederik Samsom is Head of Cabinet of Frans Timmermans, Vice President of the European Commission and responsible for the EU Green Deal.
  • UM Alumnus Donald Pols is CEO of Milieudefensie/Environmental Defense and successfully won the climate-case proceedings against Royal Dutch Shell Corporation in 2021.
  • Sander Geelen is CEO of Geelen Counterflow, global market leader in counterflow dryers and coolers used for feed and food products. He is also owner of one of the foremost sustainable offices in the world. 

Maria van der Heijden, Director MVO Nederland, will host this unique UM Star Show. The event will be live-streamed, so if you are not able to join physically in Maastricht, you will be able to watch online

Click here to follow the event online! 

Innovation Square

During the event, several innovative, inspiring entrepreneurs and startups with a focus on sustainability will have the chance to present themselves on the Innovation Square. Are you an entrepreneur working on a sustainable product or do you have an idea you wish to share with other like-minded sustainable alumni? If so, please register for the UM Star Show and indicate that you are interested in participating on the Innovation Square.


18.30 – 19.30 Registration + Networking at Innovation Square 
19.30 – 20.45 Paneldiscussion with Maria van der Heijden as host 
20.45 – 22.00 Networking at Innovation Square


The UM Star Show will take place in MECC Maastricht Conference Center on June 8th from 19:30 until 20:45 CET. Before and after the event, guests will be able to network on the Innovation Square. Doors will open at 18:30 CET and close at 22:00 CET. Entrance is free and seating is limited. If you want to register for the event, at MECC Maastricht or online, press the 'Subscribe' button. Let's make a difference! 


Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us: alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th of June!
UM Alumni Office