16 jun
18:30 - 20:30

Ukrainian Culture and Language - Seminar

Have you recently been in contact with people from Ukraine and would you like to learn more about their language and culture? Join our free interactive workshop where you will learn more about Ukrainians and their culture, to help you connect.

The teacher, who is from Ukraine, will talk in more detail about health and welfare, daily life, values and do’s and don’ts

This is the second workshop in the series. The two-hour meeting starts on Thursday 16 June at 18:30. Location: Karl Dittrichzaal, Bonnefantenstraat 2 6211 KL Maastricht. Aid workers from inside and outside UM are welcome.

The main topics of this second seminar will be:

  • Health and welfare
  • Daily life

As attendance is limited, please register as soon as possible by sending an email to your-language-course@maastrichtuniversity.nl. After registration, you will receive a confirmation by email.

Please register by email

The teacher will give a presentation about the country and will help you practise the most important daily language routines directly with other participants. You can also ask questions. We kindly ask you to send in your questions a week in advance.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Social geography: the different regions, religions, languages, population, differences between city and countryside, products, etc.
  • Intercultural communication and language
  • Ukrainian eating and drinking habits
  • Health and welfare
  • Daily life

Please note that questions and comments of a political nature will not be dealt with in this seminar.

This seminar is offered free of charge by the Maastricht University Language Centre and has been made possible by InterUM.

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