10 sep
18:00 - 19:00

Specialized IP lecture by Dr. Dimita on "IP Protection for Video Games"

The bachelor module "IP in the Digital Single Market" and IPKM programme gladly present a specialized lecture by Dr. Gaetano Dimita, Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law at CCLS, Queen Mary University of London. On 10 September 2021, at 18:00, Dr. Dimita will discuss the IP protection afforded to video games, with a particular focus on video game cloning. Please register here if you want to join.

This lecture will focus on the legal nature of videogames as complex, born-digital and interactive copyright works and the misalignments between copyright and the most successful and fast growing of the creative industries. We will look at copyright protection for video games, and how cloning of video games can be addressed.

Gaetano Dimita is a Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law at CCLS, Queen Mary University of London where he teaches Interactive Entertainment Law, Interactive Entertainment Transactions, Esports Law and Art and IP. He is the editor-in-chief of the Interactive Entertainment Law Review (Edward Elgar) the organiser of the ‘More Than Just a Game’ conference series and the co-author of the second edition of ‘Mastering the Game’ (WIPO).

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