30 aug 31 aug
08:30 - 15:00

SBE Introduction Days - Exchange Students

Maastricht University SBE organises the Introduction Days for all new incoming exchange students. The Introduction Days take place on 30 and 31 August 2018, during which you will get to know the University and Maastricht a bit better. You’ll also get the chance to meet your fellow students, to practice the Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) system during the PBL session and later really get to know everyone at the party that closes the programme on Friday.

Please note that attendance at the Introduction Days is mandatory for all incoming exchange students.

Mark your agenda for the exciting start-up of your study abroad period in Maastricht.

See you there!

* Questions? Please contact us via iro-incoming-sbe@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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