23 jun
13:30 - 14:00

Funding schemes and their implications for early academic careers

YERUN, the Young European Research Universities Network, warmly invites you to the third event of its lunchtime series on early career researchers: Funding schemes and their implications for early academic careers.

YERUN lunchtime series June 2023

Temporary and competitive sources of funding make up for a sizeable share of the financial resources universities rely on year by year. This in turn has an effect on the types of contracts and career prospects universities can offer, especially to early career researchers.

Moreover, project-based funding concerns research, whereas careers in academia also involve gaining experience and being active in other domains, notably teaching. The variety of regional and national employment and social security rules governing contracts and careers adds another layer of complexity to this picture.

This session is dedicated to unfolding some of the concrete effects of available funding schemes and of certain employment rules on (early) academic careers in Europe.


Featured Speakers tba


More info

The YERUN lunchtime series on early career researchers: On 9, 16, 23 and 30 June at lunchtime (12:30 - 14:00 CEST), YERUN is organising a series of four online events dedicated to early career researchers.

Discussing about current challenges, stakeholder experiences and policy initiatives, participants will exchange views along four main themes: intersectoral mobility, mentoring, the impact of funding schemes on careers, and the practical challenges faced by university services to implement career policies.

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