09 jun
12:30 - 14:00

Early career researchers & intersectoral mobility

YERUN, the Young European Research Universities Network, warmly invites you to the first event of its lunchtime series on early career researchers: Early career researchers & intersectoral mobility.

YERUN lunchtime series

Favouring the mobility of researchers between academic and non-academic sectors has been a long-lasting objective of both policy-makers and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in Europe.

For early career researchers (ECRs) in particular, acquiring the right skillset for intersectoral mobility can provide additional employment opportunities. At the same time, the current academic assessment systems often make it difficult for researchers working in the private, public or non-profit sectors to return to academia – and it may even become increasingly unappealing to do so.

This session convenes ECRs, university and RPOs representatives, and policy-makers to discuss the challenges attached to the intersectoral mobility of ECRs, as well as ways forward to overcome them.


Featured Speakers:

Yensi Flores Bueso
Steering Board Member, Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment | Global Young Academy

Dario Capezzuto
Policy Officer, European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation 

Jouni Kekäle 
Chief Senior Specialist, Human Resources Department, University of Eastern Finland

Margaux Kersschot
Policy Adviser, Young Universities for the Future of Europe at University of Antwerp | Coordinator, DIOSI-project

Mostafa Moonir Shawrav
Marie Curie Alumni Association 

Saša Zelenika
Vice-Rector, University of Rijeka

More info

The YERUN lunchtime series on early career researchers: On 9, 16, 23 and 30 June at lunchtime (12:30 - 14:00 CEST), YERUN is organising a series of four online events dedicated to early career researchers.

Discussing about current challenges, stakeholder experiences and policy initiatives, participants will exchange views along four main themes: intersectoral mobility, mentoring, the impact of funding schemes on careers, and the practical challenges faced by university services to implement career policies.

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