20 sep
15:00 - 17:00

The Conference for the Future of Europe: Legal Perspectives on the Way ahead

The Conference on the Future of Europe was set up by the EU institutions and allowed citizens to debate the future of the EU from April 2021 to May 2022. On 9th May, the Conference adopted its conclusions and made 49 proposals to the Presidents of the European Parliament, the Council and Commission. The different proposals made by the Conference raise relevant questions of constitutional, institutional, substantive and administrative law. During this MCEL Opening Event, legal scholars and a representative from the European Commission will enter in a dialogue on the way forward for this ambitious project.

This conference will be conducted in a hybrid format offering attendees the option to join virtually via Zoom or in-person at our Law Faculty in Maastricht (Faculty of Law, Kapoenstraat 2, Maastricht).



Welcome and introduction by Ellen Vos (Full Professor of EU Law, Maastricht University)


“The Conference on the Future of Europe: Process and prospects” by Federico Fabbrini (Full Professor of EU Law, Dublin City University; Fellow in Law, Princeton University)


Discussion, lead by Merijn Chamon (Assistant Professor of EU Law, Maastricht University)


"Putting the Conference on the Future of Europe’s Vision into concrete actions" by Ivo Belet (European Commission, Cabinet of Vice-President Dubravka Šuica)

16.20h Discussion, lead by Pauline Melin (Assistant Professor of EU Law, Maastricht University)

Closing remarks by Annalisa Volpato (Assistant Professor of EU administrative law, Maastricht University)

17.00h Drinks
17.30h End


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