27 apr 29 apr

AEBR Task Force Cross-Border Culture (AEBR-T4CBC) Conference on cultural actors' mobility

(De volgende informatie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels)

The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and mobility / ITEM presented at the AEBR Task Force Cross-Border Culture (AEBR-T4CBC) Conference on cultural actors' mobility

The conference’s main topic was dedicated to:

- Cultural actors’ mobility: Challenges and Solutions: legal aspects, insurances, social security, taxes

"With the different inputs from the Border Information Point Aachen-Eurode, EURES, ITEM, Touring Artist+ Berlin, the SMart partners and others, we will try to find strategies to overcome encountered barriers through joint efforts."

ITEM presented on Thursday 28 April during the following workshop:

  • WORKSHOP 1A: CULTURAL ACTORS’ MOBILITY - Challenges and Solutions: legal aspects, insurances, social security, taxes: inventory of challenges, existing equipment and tools, Projects & Intervenants

Location: MUNDANEUM - Rue Nimy, 76 – 7000 Mons

Workshop 1A: Cultural Actors’ Mobility

Eva van Ooij

Eva van Ooij, LL.M. European Law, is Research Assistant at the Institute for Transnational & Euregional Cross-border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM). In addition, she is a member of the Academy honours programme for young artists and scientists of the KNAW & Akademie van Kunsten in Amsterdam focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration. Eva has won the European Law Moot Court competition of 2014. Furthermore, she has been a trainee for Judge Bay Larsen at the European Court of Justice. Next to her law career, she is active as a highly mobile professional musician on the cello. She accomplished her studies of music in Amsterdam, Brussels, Freiburg and Basel. At the moment, she advices and organises a research project in relation to cross border job mediation and high mobile workers.

During the workshop Eva van Ooij pointed out the problems that highly mobile Patch-Workers in general face and presented possible solutions.

Attached you will find a report of the conference.

Challenges and Solutions:

Legal aspects, insurances, social security, taxes: inventory of challenges, existing equipment and tools, Projects & Intervenants

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