Sarah Roche (S.E.)

Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

Sarah Roche is a joint PhD candidate at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) and Maastricht Sustainability Institute. In her research she will investigate psychedelic substances as a tool to better understand cognitive mechanisms underlying changes in sustainable behaviors. She will employ qualitative and observational approaches as well as randomized controlled trials to address her research questions. She is eager to apply open science principles in her work and to address (methodological) limitations in psychedelic and psychological research.  

Originally from the United States, Sarah obtained a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry and neuroscience before relocating to Europe. As a recipient of the Neurasmus International Masters in Neuroscience scholarship, she followed a track in neuropharmacology and conducted research on substance use disorders at Université de Bordeaux and Vrije Universiteit. She has begun her PhD after serving as a lecturer of biomedical sciences at the VU in Amsterdam for four years.