21 apr
12:00 - 13:00
UM Sustainability Week presents:

Composterra Keynote: Starting a Green Business

When asked what one does for protecting the climate many people talk about their eating habits or recycling regimen. While these consumption choices are important they have a relatively small impact on our environment. As university students and graduates, we have a much more powerful decision to make: our career choices. By choosing a green and sustainable professional path one can commit 40 hours a week to protect the planet. Starting one’s own green business can be very powerful as a form of climate action that feels fulfilling and impactful.

ComposTerra is an example of a green startup: The R&D focused company develops circular biomaterials as alternatives to plastics. For example their flower pots are made from coffee grounds and wheat bran which makes them fully compostable. By repurposing other companies’ ‘waste’ ComposTerra’s products have a lower footprint than products made from virgin raw materials. Their young team combines different cultural and professional backgrounds. Join Arno Ratzinger (co-founder of ComposTerra & Maastricht University alumni) for a lecture and Q&A on entrepreneurship as climate action. Arno will share concrete learnings from ComposTerra’s journey, so you can turn your green idea into a successful startup. The event is co-organised by Maastricht Entrepreneurs who will moderate the session. Maastricht Entrepreneurs is a 2020 founded UM student organisation that supports (future) entrepreneurs. Their activities range from events, over community building to incubation.

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