19 dec
09:30 - 10:30

Leadership and Evolutionary Learning Ecosystems: Systemic Perspectives for Evolutionary Change Agents 

Leadership and Evolutionary Learning Ecosystems: Systemic Perspectives for Evolutionary Change Agents" by Prof Alexander Laszlo, President of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Director at The Laszlo Institute Of New Paradigm Research.  

The concept of a learning ecosystem is nothing new.  In various scholarly and academic forums around the world there is talk of the need to create contexts that foster interdependence and promote learning focused on relational being, often coded as SEL — social and emotional learning.  In terms used by the Zen Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, these are dynamic contexts that serve as greenhouses for the cultivation of an “interbeing” that is at once individual and collective.  The Xhosa and Zulu tribes of South Africa call it Ubuntu — the embodied and enacted belief in the affirmation that “I am because we are” and that we cannot be completely human by ourselves.  There is increasing need to curate personal, inter-personal and societal competencies that foster the emergence of evolutionary learning ecosystems through synergy among and between compatible learning communities. This presentation explores the requisite competencies of evolutionary leaders to cultivate these types of ecosystems in increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) social contexts.

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