23 mei
14:30 - 17:30

Expert Seminar on Corruption & Football

Corruption and Football

[Dit seminar vindt plaats in het Engels]

14:30 – 14:35 Welcome by Hans Nelen & Roland Moreland 
14:35 – 15:25 Presentation by the Speakers (Part 1)

1. Reginald Thal
Former professional football player at Maastricht Voetbal Vereniging (1984-1995). Member of the advisory board of ProProf, a Dutch football Union. Former board member of MVV Maastricht for 3 years.

2. Arno Müller
Expert in Sports Philosophy/Sports History. Researches the philosophy of sport, health aspects of sport, and the connection between sports and lifestyle.

3. Christian Müller
Director of Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management at University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. Former Managing Director for Finance and Licensing of the German Football League (DFL). Played a key role in the development of the UEFA Finance Fair Play Concept.

15:25 – 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 – 16:20 Presentation by the Speakers (Part 2)

4. Gerke Berenschot
Lawyer and a graduate of the UM. Specializes in International Law and Human Rights. Was awarded the Prof. Mr. N.J.P. Giltay Veth Dissertation Award in 2010 for his dissertation on “Does the fight against doping violate human rights?’’ Now active as a board member specializing in transparency in sports at Transparency International NL.

5. Sandy Adams
Research Assistant at the University of Leipzig with a doctorate in Sports Science. Wrote his thesis on the topic of “Corporate Governance in the European Professional Football.” Researches financing, regulation, and corporate governance in professional sports.

16:20 – 17:25 Discussion
17:25 – 17:30 Closing Remarks

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