20 apr
09:00 - 17:45

CERiM 2nd Annual Conference

Contestation of Expertise in the European Union: Policy-making between evidence-based decision-making and post-truth politics 

Crowne Plaza Hotel Maastricht

** Dit congres vindt plaats in het Engels **

Expertise increasingly faces a contested role in decision-making and public debate. On the one hand, hardly any policy can be conceived today without expert consultation, yet on the other hand, expertise seems too readily to be disqualified in public debate even in most important national or European decisions. This contested position of experts has become apparent in the context of a number of recent referenda campaigns, such as in the Netherlands, Hungary and the United Kingdom, and has also played a role in debates on many high profile issues such as the regulation of genetically modified organisms or the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

The second Annual CERiM Conference addresses the role and position of expertise and experts in the EU context of law and policy-making. We will critically examine the current state of the art and discuss how should the role of experts be reconciled with conflicting demands. The conference offers answers from a multi-disciplinary perspective, drawn from a variety of national and international experiences.

>> more information

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