Faculty of Law

18 Apr

On April 18, 2023, the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM and the Bureau for Belgian and German Affairs of the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) will organize an information session entitled "Descendants' rights across the border".

22 Mar

Roger Cox, the lawyer behind Urgenda and Shell, is coming to Maastricht to discuss these cases with you.  

31 Mar

"Legal Agreements on Smart Contract Platforms in European Systems of Private Law. Formation, Interpretation, Vitiation, and Consumer Protection in English, French, German, Dutch and European Union Contract Law"

24 Mar

"Empowering consumers Through Law? Rethinking the Concept of EU Consumer Empowerment"

10 Mar
  • inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures

Onsite inauguratie Dr. Kees Sterk

"Some reflections on the selection and promotion of judges in European Law"

03 Mar

"Tax Compliance at a Crossroads. A study into issues of tax policy, compliance and administration in connection with the income taxation of collaborative economy platform workers."

02 Mar

'De kunst van het financieren: financiering van de kunst. Een onderzoek naar juridische knelpunten bij overheidsfinanciering van de cultuursector.'


13 Mar

During this conference we will explore the role of the board of directors as well as shareholders in the quest to enhance long term sustainable decision-making. We will also go into the topic of how sustainability can be safeguarded in case of a takeover. The set up of the conference is of an interdisciplinary nature looking at the role of shareholders and directors from the legal as well as the finance perspective. The aim is to bring together bachelor as well as master students from different disciplines and to engage them in a discussion with the speakers.

16 Mar

The INTERREG-EMR-V-A project Crossquality is coming to an end. This is the closure event of this project. 

27 Feb

Results from the Interreg Project Crossquality and the first pilot application in the Euregio Meuse Rhine.