13 Mar
15:15 - 19:00
Student conference

Elverding student conference: Sustainable business for a sustainable future


Society increasingly expects companies to not only create shareholder value but also to take societal challenges into account. There is emerging regulation at the EU as well as at the national level requiring companies to conduct their activities in a way that is compatible with these societal expectations, taking into account issues such as human rights and the environmental consequences of the business activities. Various actors play an important role in ensuring that companies take sustainable long-term decisions. Not only the board of directors but also shareholders form an important factor in this respect.  

During this conference we will explore the role of the board of directors as well as shareholders in the quest to enhance long-term sustainable decision-making. We will also go into the topic of how sustainability can be safeguarded in case of a takeover. At the end of the conference several professionals will discuss their career paths in the area of corporate law in order to provide the audience with some inspiration for future careers. The set-up of the conference is of an interdisciplinary nature looking at the role of shareholders and directors from the legal as well as the finance perspective. The aim is to bring together bachelor as well as master students from different disciplines and to engage them in a discussion with the speakers.

This conference is open to all students, both bachelor and master students from the faculty of law as well as from other faculties. It is compulsory for the students of the course Comparative Company Law as it forms a part of this course. The conference will be held in English.

Registration is required and free of charge. 



Mieke Olaerts, Professor of Comparative and National Company Law and holder of the Elverding Chair on Sustainable Business, Culture and Corporate Regulation, Maastricht University


The effectiveness of Private Shareholder Engagement
Rob Bauer, Professor of Finance (chair: Institutional Investors) and holder of the Elverding Chair on Sustainable Business, Culture and Corporate Regulation, Maastricht University


A Sustainable Future from the Perspective of the Board of Directors
Matthijs Schoten, Chairman & CEO, Broadview Holding

16:25 Break with coffee, tea and vlaai

Sustainability and Takeovers
Bastiaan Kemp, Professor of Corporate Governance and Corporate Regulation, Maastricht University


Corporate law as a profession

17:30 Closing 
17:50 Drinks

This conference is organised and funded by the Elverding Chair for Sustainable Business, Culture and Corporate Regulation. The theme of the Chair is to investigate how sustainable, long-term corporate decision making can be enhanced from both a national as well as a European perspective.

The Elverding Chair is held jointly by Prof. Dr. Rob Bauer and Prof. Mr. Mieke Olaerts, respectively from the School of Business and Economics and the Law Faculty of Maastricht University. This collaboration makes it possible to investigate the research theme from a multidisciplinary angle, using insights from both economics and law.

The Chair is sponsored by DSM, Q-Park, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) ING, and Broadview.

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