02 Mar

Onsite PhD conferral Ellen M.J. Hardy

supervisors: Prof. mr. J.E. van den Brink (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Prof. mr. T. Hartlief 

Keywords: Administrative law - grants - cultural sector - public funding

"De kunst van het financieren: financiering van de kunst. Over juridische knelpunten bij overheidsfinanciering van de cultuursector"

The cultural sector is funded by the government in various ways. This is done through subsidies of all shapes and sizes, but also through art prizes. In doing so, the sector regularly experiences legal problems. What are they and can they be eliminated? These questions are answered in this study. The perspective is that of administrative law, as the subsidy instrument is regulated by the General Administrative Law Act. The study is structured around four sub-themes. These are (1) the legal form of the funding instrument, (2) the legal protection of applicants, (3) the design of the distribution procedure and (4) the requirements for distribution decisions. 

This study identifies bottlenecks, answers questions and makes recommendations. It links administrative law and the cultural sector, which is new. The perspective is administrative law, but it is certainly not only intended for lawyers. Lenders and subsidy applicants from the cultural sector will also find help in it.

Language: Dutch