S.N. Tas

Sarah Tas is an Assistant Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law, in the Public Law Department at Maastricht University. She completed her PhD on the supervision of Europol at the European University Institute (Florence). Her research focuses on the fields of Administrative law, European law, Criminal and migration law, as well as fundamental rights protection, and particularly Data Protection. 

Prior to her appointment, Sarah obtained an LL.M. in EU Law and Litigation at the University of Luxembourg, and an LL.M in Comparative, International and European Law at the European University Institute in Florence. 

Sarah is also a Senior Editor for the European Journal of Legal Studies, and Co-Head of Section of Digital State in Digi-Con. She has published on various topics related to the control of EU agencies and fundamental rights implications, and spoke at numerous international conferences and expert workshops. During her doctoral research, Sarah did a Research Stay at the Fundamental Rights Agency, and at the Université Libre of Brussels.

She is an active member of Globalization & Law Network (Glaw-Net) and of the Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL).