Martijn Bours (M.J.L.)

Martijn Bours has been working at the Department of Epidemiology of Maastricht University since 2002, at the moment as Associate Professor.


His research focuses on the consequences of colorectal cancer and its treatment on quality of life, functioning, and survival. Martijn Bours studies mainly how lifestyle (diet and physical activity) and related factors such as body composition can promote the quality of life, recovery of functioning, and prognosis after colorectal cancer.


Martijn Bours is involved in teaching on epidemiology and research methodology in various bachelor and master courses at the FHML.


Martijn Bours is leader of the Research Area Cancer & Molecular Epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology, is Programme Leader of Programme 1: Prevention within the GROW - School for Oncology & Reproduction, is a member of the Expert Commitee on Cancer Survivorship as part of the Global Cancer Update Programme of WCRF International, is a member of the Platform Scientific Integrity MUMC+, is Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, and is deputy member methodologist of the Medical Research Ethics Committee of Academic Hospital Maastricht / Maastricht University.