Michiel van Hoorn (M.E.)

I work as a projectmanager at Digital Innovations (DI) which is a department at Marketing & Communications of the UM. At DI we have two trends, developing really innovative innovations like apps or augmented reality and organising the further development of existing systems like our corporate website or our intranet. I try to focus on the further development of existing systems of which our M&C director is the owner. 

Together with our team of support, fuctional as well as technical, and our supplier, I try to merge the different proposed changes of our shared M&C department and also our faculties and other departments, to make sure that they are all in line with eachother but also comply to the wishes of our board of directors.

Besides my work, I spend a lot of time outside in nature. One moment I will go on a walking pace through the forest and the other moment I will go as fast as possible on my downhill bike from the highest pass in the Alps, trying not to crash. Or at least not that hard.