Fac. Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


Discouraging border traffic or actually "closing" border crossings has had little effect on the spread of the coronavirus in recent years


National bicycle helmet day


With gas prices skyrocketing due to the problems in Russia and Ukraine, we are suddenly forced to face the facts: we need to be more frug


UM researcher Clara Snijders (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO.


It is well known that your muscles age over time, but research by Maastricht University and the Amsterdam University Medical Centre (UMC)


Nothing helped 115kg Lisette to lose weight, until she took part in an experiment as a test subject. With


De helft van de volwassenen in Nederland had vorig jaar overgewicht, en dat is net zoveel als bij de invoering van het Nationaal Preventi


Do the municipalities in Limburg know how to get people with a distance to the labor market back into work again?