Royal distinction for Professor Harry Steinbusch

Emeritus Professor Harry Steinbusch (67) from Bunde has been appointed Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion. This is the country’s oldest royal decoration, awarded only to people of exceptional merit in different areas of society.
The decoration was presented by Mirjam Clermonts-Aretz, the mayor of Meerssen, during the international symposium New Mood Revival Meeting: Depression in the Heart of Neurodegenerative Diseases at Maastricht University (UM) on 9 February 2018. 


Harry Steinbusch was professor of Cellular Neurosciences at UM’s Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences from 1994 until his retirement in early 2017. He was an international leader in the areas of neuroscience, neuroanatomy and the workings of disease processes in the human brain. He also made an important contribution to UM’s national and international reputation in his field. His dedication is reflected in the large number of publications to his name and the many PhD candidates he supervised (and continues to supervise today).


Professor Steinbusch contributed to the establishment in 1995 of the European Graduate School of Neurosciences (EURON), an international study programme for top researchers. He also created an important platform for publication and discussion with the launch of the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy in 1992.

Other activities

Professor Steinbusch led various organisations and institutes over the course of his career. He was director of the International Alzheimer Foundation of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany from 2002 to 2010; director of the UM Institute for Brain and Behaviour from 2003 to 2007; and director of the UM School for Mental Health and Neuroscience from 1992 to 2013. He was also involved in a range of international activities, including as scientific adviser and facilitator of the Governor Kremers Centre, government adviser in Sri Lanka, fellow of the Indian Society of Neuroscience, member of the China committee of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and member of the evaluation committees of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Finnish Academy of Sciences. Since 2014 he has been a correspondent of the Real Academia de Medicina de Murcia in Spain.

Professor Steinbusch is a member of the Society of Neuroscience, the Federation of Neuroscience Society, the International Serotonin Club, the Neuroscience European Concerted Action on Transplantation and Repair (NECTAR) and the International Cajal Club in the USA.

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