Faculty of Law

Liesbeth Lijnzaad

She was the first woman in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be appointed Legal A

12 Oct

Side event ITEM/BENELUX in relation to the European Week of Cities and Regions (#euregionsweek) 2023

ITEM and the Benelux Union will organize a side-event during the European Week of Regions and Cities at the Benelux in Brussels.



27 Sep

Third annual side event in relation to the European Week of Cities and Regions (#EURegionsWeek) 2023. What is the impact of increased sustainability of the infrastructure and mobility on European level and how does it affect cross-border regions? What do the new European frameworks mean for cross border rail transport, pipe transports and inland shipping? What implication does it specifically have for hubs or logistics barriers?

Math Noortmann

The second plenary session of the Benelux Parliament took place on June 16 and 17 in the Maastricht County Hall.

15 Sep

The MCEL Opening event on “Social Justice and EU law” is the first event of MCEL in the academic year 2023-2024. This event, that will also launch the MCEL Master thesis project, aims at bringing together highly motivated students, faculty members of the Maastricht Centre for European Law, and experts from academia and the EU institutions.

18 Dec 20 Dec
  • conference
  • Highlight
  • symposium

JURIX 2023

36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.


25 Aug

The Master’s Honours Defence Day will take place on Friday 25 August. Traditionally, we organise a Graduate School BBQ after the defences in the Faculty garden from 6 p.m. Only on invitation.

11 Jul
  • Information activity

ITEM/SVB Informationsession

Session and info only in Dutch.

Op 11 juli 2023 organiseert het Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM en Bureau voor Belgische en Duitse Zaken van de
 Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) een informatiesessie met als titel "Kindregelingen in Nederland, Duitsland en België". 

03 Jul

The expertise center ITEM, in collaboration with Montae & Partners, is organizing the second edition of a (digital) pension expertise session webinar series on Monday 3 July. The subject of the first webinar is: 'The Future Pensions Act and V&As: further interpretation for the (tax) practice?'

3 hoogleraren

Three new professors were recently appointed, and all three will take up their professorships at our faculty from 1 September next.