Faculty of Law

11 Jul

"Non-state effective territorial entities-A critical appraisal of international legal capacity and responsibility"

27 Sep

Third annual ITEM/HNP side event in relation to the European Week of Cities and Regions (#EURegionsWeek) 2023. 

21 Jun

"Jurisdiction of territorial non-state entities in international law"

01 Jun
  • seminar
  • workshop

PhD Meeting on Pensions

We are pleased to announce that the annual PhD meeting on Pensions, an initiative of Maastricht University and Tilburg University, will again take place in 2023! In the afternoon on Thursday June 1st, 2023, we would like to welcome you to this meeting at Maastricht University.


14 Jun

On 14 June, a B-Solutions Workshop will be organised by the Grenzinfopunkt Aachen-Eurode, ITEM, and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR/AGEG/ARFE), with the support of the Benelux Union, in the context of a B-Solutions project funded by DG REGIO. With a focus on the border regions between Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, the workshop will explore solutions on the issue of teleworking, cross-border working, taxation and social insurance issues, explore how these can be resolved within emerging frameworks at EU and Member State Levels, and discuss the role of key organisations, such as the Benelux, national ministries, AEBR and regions in implementing the recommendations of this B-Solutions case. You are warmly invited to join this workshop and the discussion

Website launch ITEM

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new

27 Jun
  • inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures

Valedictory lecture Prof. dr. Saskia Klosse

"Tot hier en niet verder? Tijd voor een grondrechtenoffensief!

20 Jun

"Consistency in International Law: How to Make Sense of a Decentralised and Expansive Rule-Based World"

Math Noortmann

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a grant under the SGW open competition to a res

12 Jun

"Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and its Implementation in the United States of America, the European Union, Tanzania, India and Colombia"