Faculty of Law

05 Dec 09 May
  • academic session
  • Highlight

Graduation Ceremonies Bachelors

We are proud to hand the diploma's to our graduates on this festive day. 
The graduates will receive an invitation from Law Events Office to register. 

27 Oct

The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, is an annual event at which a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a topic related to the wide field of private law. The lecture will be after an interactive seminar with PhD-researchers.

21 Sep

"Change of Paradigm: Intellectual Property in EU Investment Agreements"

12 Sep

"Accountability for Human Rights Violations by UN Peacekeepers: A Legal and Theoretical Perspective"

29 Sep
  • inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Joost Sillen

"Law for whom? Staatsrecht en staatsrechtbeoefening van en voor een andere generatie"

14 Sep
  • inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures

Inaugural lecture Prof. mr. Lars van Vliet

"Restitution of looted art: Seeking just and fair solutions using just and fair proceedings"

Donna Yates

Damage from illegal excavations to archaeological heritage exceeds trade value of goods

30 Nov

Deze cursus, die van het Digi-Guard project deel uitmaakt, zal u op de hoogte brengen van de meest recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het EU-procesrecht.

12 Oct

In this workshop you will learn more about three examples or projects that address the issue of reducing the risk of emerging obstacles in cross-border cooperation. You will have the opportunity to share challenges and opportunities with speakers from ITEM, the Euro-Institut and the Centre for Cross-Border Studies.
The workshop will be organised by TEIN and its partners.


Valentina Golunova, Anna de Jong and Ruben Tans, PhD candidates at the Maastricht Centre for European Law