Compulsory health insurance for non-Dutch students

As a non-Dutch student, you are required to have health insurance if you live and study in the Netherlands. Which of the following five situations applies to you?

 If you are a non-Dutch student working or doing a paid internship in the Netherlands, then you need Dutch health insurance. To apply for Dutch health insurance and subsidy/'health care benefit' (zorgtoeslag), please contact the International Student Helpdesk (ISH) by sending an email to You can also reach the ISH via Instagram on working days between 13:30 and 15:30 hours.

 If you are a non-EU student with a health insurance policy from your home country, please check the information of De Zorgverzekeringslijn and decide whether your policy at home provides you with adequate coverage in the Netherlands. You may be interested as well in signing up for Aon Student Insurance. For more information please contact the International Student Helpdesk (ISH) by sending an email to You can also reach the ISH via Instagram on working days between 13:30 and 15:30 hours.

 If you are a non-EU student and do not have health insurance that covers you while in the Netherlands, please apply for Aon Student Insurance.

 If you are a non-Dutch EU student with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you have sufficient health coverage in the Netherlands and are not required to take additional action. However, your insurance might not cover the same costs abroad as in your home country. Please check the coverage and period of validation with your insurance company. Make sure to bring your EHIC and some copies of your Card for your stay in the Netherlands. Citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland can request an EHIC at their own insurance company. Please read more on applying for an EHIC here.

 If you are a non-Dutch EU student without health insurance, please apply for Aon Student Insurance.


Non-Dutch students living and studying in the Netherlands may receive a letter from CAK Nederland stating that you are uninsured and subject to fines, even though you may have a health insurance policy from home, or from a private health insurance provider like AON Student Insurance. Did you get a letter from CAK stating that you need to have a Dutch health insurance policy? Please take immediate action and follow the CAK Nederland instructions on the MyMaastricht website to avoid further fines.