University Colleges UM dominate Elsevier ranking

Both University Colleges of Maastricht University head the Elsevier ranking Best Study Programmes of the Year 2017. University College Maastricht (UCM) and University College Venlo (UCV) score significantly higher than average. UCV is ranked first, with UCM as the runner-up. The University College of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG) ends in third place.

The ranking Best Study Programmes, which is based on the Dutch National Student Survey, measures six major variables: facilities, education, curriculum design, teaching, assessment, organisation and communication. For the final ranking, the editors of Elsevier mainly looked at the percentages of students that are ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ per variable. Both UCV and UCM score considerably above average for each variable. 100% of the UCV students responded affirmative to the question if they would recommend their study to family or friends.

diagram elsevier ranking 2017
Source: Elsevier

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