UM Medallion of Honour awarded to Jan Muijtjens

Upon his retirement, Jan Muijtjens was handed the Maastricht University Medallion of Honour by Professor Martin Paul, chairman of the UM Executive Board, on 13 December. Jan Muijtjens was awarded the UM Medallion of Honour because of his exceptional contribution to the UM as a co-developer and promotor of innovative concepts in the field of management information systems and because of his impressive social involvement. Jan developed the university's archiving and documentation department and, working behind the scenes, made his mark in all its development stages.

UM Medal of Honour Jan Muijtjens

Digital information services
Jan Muijtjens joined the UM 40 years ago and took on several tasks, including responsibility for archiving and record information services, in his capacity as functional manager at the Archive, Documentation and Postal Affairs department (ADP).

UM was one of the first universities in the Netherlands to digitise mail, administrative information services and progress monitoring. To this end, the UM developed its own digital system, which resulted in the current CORSA system, including all files relating to personnel, academic chairs and students.

Being a natural connector, good at bringing people together, Jan Muijtjens played a key part as the figurehead of the ADP within the organisation and as a source of information for end users. Together with his colleagues, he introduced the paperless meeting system iBabs within the UM.

Social involvement
Loved by his colleagues because of his sense of humour and down-to-earth manner, Jan enjoys respect because of his role as confidential counsellor, his versatility and social enthusiasm. He is not only there for his UM colleagues, but also for the less fortunate in society. For Jan, the interests of his fellow human beings and society always come first. He was a warm advocate of a sustainable society well before sustainability was placed high on UM's agenda.

The UM Medallion is bestowed upon distinguished UM employees who have made an outstanding contribution to the reputation and development of our university.

Photo: Philip Driessen

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