
  • Gone are the days when students simply submitted papers and handwrote tests. A recent event at EDLAB showcased the creative ways that teachers at Maastricht University (UM) leverage digital technologies in their educational practice.

  • EDLAB has collected information to update the UM Teaching & Learning community about the recent advancements in AI and how they may affect education at Maastricht University.

  • Have you ever had one of those days when you don’t feel like doing an assignment or are just not in the mood to go to a tutorial? Well, you’re not alone.

  • To be effective, evaluation needs to be inclusive and collaborative.


  • The Serre turned into a hive of activity as students from all faculties descended upon EDLAB to discuss the hot topic of ChatGPT. “What word comes to mind when you hear ChatGPT?” Anna-Lena Hoh from the University Library asked the enthusiastic crowd. Responses ranged from “blessing”, “empowerment”...

  • Are you edUMinded? It is with great excitement that we announce the launch edUMinded, the UM online Magazine on Teaching & Learning.
  • Did you know a healthy lifestyle does not ask for you to head to the gym every day? Just moving more in your daily life can already do the job! 

  • Nilofer Merchant suggests a small idea that just might have a big impact on your life and health: Next time you have a one-on-one meeting, make it into a "walking meeting" -- and let ideas flow while you walk and talk.

  • Would you like to know more about the sources that were used for this research? We have compiled an overview of the academic references for you.

  • Minderbroedersberg

    Moved (by) Education

    Last Friday, the lecture hall of the Minderbroedersberg was filled for the inaugural speech of Hans Savelberg, an extraordinary professor and Director of Education in Biomedical Sciences at Maastricht University, who, just like EDLAB, is on a mission to improve education.