Top Position in Better World MBA Ranking

Focus on sustainability is an important element in MaastrichtMBA programme

MBA programmes usually pay a lot of attention to the P of Profit. The MaastrichtMBA programme goes a step further and, in addition to the P of Profit, has equally integrated the focus on the Ps of Planet and People in the curriculum. “In this way, the education programme will be more balanced, and our students can contribute better to the climate and other social challenges that we all face,” according to director Dr. Boris Blumberg. The great thing is that the MaastrichtMBA programme recently obtained a second position in the MBA Better World Ranking with this strategy.

Social entrepreneurship

The education of the MaastrichtMBA programme is aimed at making students aware of their responsibility as individuals, from the perspective of the organization for which they work and with a view to the outside world. This is expressed, for example, through the contributions of Dr. Jarrod Ormiston, who specializes in Social Entrepreneurship. “We encourage our students to think about how they can contribute to solving all kinds of social issues through sustainable and innovative entrepreneurship. For example, how can refugees contribute to our society?”, says Ormiston. “We do not only look at the hard business, but also have an eye for the 'soft' side of these types of processes.”

Euros and Ethics

“I always say: creating value is so much more than just making money,” says Harry Hummels, professor of Ethics, Organization and Society, illustrating his field. “I take great pleasure in confronting students with ethical and moral aspects of sustainable investing. Ultimately, it is about the quality of our lives now, and that of the generations after us. If we want to handle our accumulated capital with care, but also dare to delve into what exactly well-being entails and what we are willing to pay for it, we can also contribute to a better world in that way.”

Sustainable business models

The state of the natural environment was also discussed extensively at the recent Glasgow Conference. How can we stimulate companies to contribute to a circular economy, in which products last as long as possible, as little waste as possible is produced, products are reusable, raw material waste is prevented and waste can be reused as a raw material. “This is not only good for the environment, but also for the economy,” says Professor Nancy Bocken, who introduces her MBA students to the Sustainable Business field through her teaching and research. “In addition to efficiencies that save cost and resources simultaneously, we also need to slow and close resource loops, and focus on regenerating damaged ecosystems through new sustainable business models.  Our MBA students are trained to work with these challenges in their respective organisations.”

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