30 Nov
Studium Generale | Movie

This Changes Everything

Documentary based on the non-fiction bestseller of the same name by Naomi Klein.

She argues that climate change is a crisis that can have a catalysing effect on far-reaching social and economic reform. 

This Changes Everything transports us to the front line of climate change. In the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, the population revolts against the construction of a coal-fired power station. 
Alberta Tar Sands, in Canada, is threatened by a natural disaster due to oil extraction. Along with a group of Northern Cheyennes, two goatherds from Montana form a front against the extraction of fossil fuels in the Powder River Basin. 

These stories of the human battle against the economic interests of big energy companies are accompanied by commentary from Naomi Klein. She hopes for a mass public movement that will tackle the climate crisis and at long last bring about radical reforms in our capitalist economic system.